Wednesday, August 14, 2013

First Day of School

Ok, I admit that I get a little sad every year when all my friends on Facebook post their children's first day of school photos. I feel a little left out because I can't follow the trend of a having a picture of my children with their oversized backpacks standing in front of a schoolbus, the school, or with their teacher. But then I think, "Wait a minute! We have an awesome first day of school every year!" Some years are more momentous than others. Some with a kitchen table full of brand new school supplies purchased on tax-free weekend. Others are more like, "Should we start school today? Let's start school today." However, this year was different. We began with a drive across the United States from one coast to another. Now if that isn't one big huge giant field trip, I don't know what is. So I mark this year's family vacation/pioneer trip, which commenced on July 30th, as our first day of school. Why not start the year off with a bang?

First we had to get to the beginning of our pioneer trail. We spent the first two days in regular clothing, and our first stop was in Nashville, TN. We stopped by the Parthenon. It was my son's idea because he knew about it from the Percy Jackson movies. We were too late to be able to go inside, but we had the opportunity to admire the outside in the drizzling rain. We will have to go back someday when we can go inside.

Here's a picture. There is an extra child in there. She was a 14 year old friend that came along on the trip. (She is a former homeschooled child as well, so she fit right in.)

First Day of 2013-2014 School Year 

Ok, ya'll. I'm going to be so bold and try to commit myself to blogging at least a sentence or photo each day. Do you think I can do it? I'm good about posting on Facebook, but I don't seem to be able to multitask very well. While on my trip this year, and preparing to write my book, I realized how important it is to journal and keep records. So that is my goal. Please chastise me on Facebook if I appear to be failing. You totally have my permission.

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