Friday, June 21, 2013

Books, Books, and More Books About Pioneers

Anybody who lives in my town and who wants to learn about pioneers, westward expansion, or the Pony Express is out of luck, because I think we have all the books checked out from the library. The above picture is only a portion of the books we have. We've been reading and studying the life of the pioneers. I find it fascinating and would love to be able to travel back in time to experience it first hand. Learning about pioneers also makes me grateful for our modern conveniences. There are so many things we take for granted. For example, the the large 2-pack bottles of Log Cabin syrup I bought at Costco yesterday, my washing machine, prepackaged stick butter, and my cooktop stove and oven.

Some of my favorite books I've read so far are these:


I'm trying to post daily on our progress in preparing for our pioneer trip! Stay tuned! Have you checked out our Kickstarter project to help fund the book I want to write? Heres' the link:


  1. We spotted your "covered wagon" in Lake Tahoe yesterday. We are a new homeschooling family starting this year, so I had to check out your website. I am so glad that I found it. I hope you continue to update your blog about your pioneering experiences and write your book one day.

    1. Hi Lori! That its so funny. We threw that on there last minute. I hope to be better about updating my blog. I'm more active on my facebook page at I think you will love homeschooling. Good luck to you! :)
