Friday, March 15, 2013


I'm not sure what the correct onomatopoeia is for a moment like this. All I can think is, "Cha ching!" even though it has nothing to do with money. 

Today was my husband's birthday and my children always make handmade cards on every single birthday. My heart did a little jump for joy when I opened this one and saw that my ten year old son used the correct form of "you're". It could've been luck, but it kind of looks as if he wrote "your" and made a correction with a squeezed in apostrophe and letter E, which means he actually put some thought into it and didn't dare to write "U R". 

Yes, these small moments make me happy and show me that I might actually be doing something right. Tomorrow I'm going to give my son a hug and say, "Your you're was the best!" :)

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