Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Springtime Slump

I've written three blog posts in the past two days that I've scrapped because I feel uninspired. Perhaps this unusually cold weather has my body confused, including my brain. Usually my children and I are working in the garden at this time of year preparing our garden beds for seeds and seedlings. Usually by now we are getting that first tint of pink on our cheeks and forearms and dirt under our toenails. Instead we've been cooped up in our house doing regular school work. I think we are ready for spring. Real spring. I think Punxsutawney Phil got it wrong this year. Never trust a groundhog.

Last night I had a great plan to write a thoughtful blog post, but instead found myself snuggled on the couch with a sleeping eight month old on my lap and a feverish five year old at my side. I decided to catch up on a couple episodes of a TV show on Hulu. Priorities.

Tonight I'm sitting here lounged on the couch with my feet up, laptop on my lap, with a neglected basket of little boys' clothing in a laundry basket on my bedroom floor. My thoughts feel dull. I'm craving a cookie. I'm getting distracted by Facebook. I'm ready for spring. Real spring. I'm ready to open my windows and turn off the heat.

Next week's forecast looks more promising. Hopefully it will get me out of my springtime slump. 

I did rearrange the organization in our school room today. I installed two extra shelves in an armoire cabinet thingy I have in that room:

It used to have just the top shelf, so I found some spare plywood in the garage and cut it up with my jigsaw and made two more shelves. (The plywood is not pretty, but it does the trick.) The idea is that each shelf will be shared by two children for their arts and craft supplies and anything else they want to keep safe. The top shelf is mom's and for stuff to stay out of the way of toddlers. Don't mind the messy arrangement of mom's shelf. I'm not a neat freak and will not pose as one for blog post aesthetic sake. 

These Sterilite plastic drawers used to be stacked in the cabinet. Each child had a drawer to keep their papers and artwork safe. The extra drawers were used for blank paper, math supplies, stickers, etc. I put the drawers on this bookshelf and I think I'm going to give the eldest six children two or three drawers each. Their drawers were getting quite full and collapsing onto the drawer below it. It was causing complaining from the bottom drawer residents.

So I was somewhat productive today, but I'm still ready for spring. :)

*This post contains an affiliate link to the Sterilite drawers at Amazon, just in case you might want some too. :)


  1. SOOOO glad to meet another non-neat freak HSer. I start out w/ the best of intentions, and may actually set it up very neatly, but come visit 2 wks later...not so much. :)

    1. Haha! Glad I'm not the only one! Ours is always neat for about 2 weeks too. I feel like my wisdom tells me not to bother to spend too much time on organizing because my time could be better spent on something else :)
